Iñigo Bretos Ullívarri [Vitoria-Gasteiz, 1979] holds a degree in Chemistry from the University of Navarra (Pamplona). His scientific career began in 2002 at the Materials Science Institute of Madrid (ICMM-CSIC). Four years later, he received his PhD for his research in sol-gel chemistry and ferroelectricity with maximum qualification Cum Laude and European mention from the Autonomous University of Madrid. His post-doctoral stage took him to the RWTH Aachen University (Germany) from 2007 to 2009, acquiring new knowledge in the development of electronic materials and the fabrication of integrated devices. In 2009 he rejoined the Materials Science Institute of Madrid (ICMM-CSIC), where he has remained since. His scientific interest encompasses materials science and technology, with special attention to the chemical processing and integration of functional metal oxides (ferroelectric, dielectric, multiferroic, or superconductors) in advanced devices (memories, sensors, transducers, or actuators) for applications in microelectronics and the emerging field of flexible electronics. ComFuturo Researcher (I edition) at the Materials Science Institute of Madrid, where he developed his project “New materials and processes for electronic skin“. He is currently continuing his research at the indicated Institute as a Ramón y Cajal researcher.
Project Summary
This ambitious project introduces a new family of advanced materials for electronic skin applications: complex oxides. Their integration in this type of device requires a technological revolution due to their high crystallisation temperatures (>600ºC). To impart the mechanical properties of human skin, the electronic components must be integrated into flexible and elastic polymeric substrates, which cannot withstand temperatures above 400 °C. A novel fabrication process based on an innovative concept for the low-temperature processing of functional metal oxide thin films is proposed: the synthesis of low-temperature liquid precursors assisted by heterogeneous photocatalysis. This tool will allow the direct integration of numerous complex oxides ─ dielectrics, ferroelectrics, multiferroics, and (semi)conductors on polymeric substrates using temperatures below 400 °C. Different electronic components will be demonstrated in these large-area, low-cost systems with potential application in the fields of robotics and healthcare. The electrical performance of currently available touch sensors will be improved by transduction systems based on piezoelectric and capacitive materials. Pyroelectric materials based on bismuth perovskites will allow multiple operations in these devices, offering a simultaneous response to thermal stimuli.
Finally, the prospect of a self-sufficient electronic skin will be explored through mechanical energy collectors and/or photovoltaic cells based on piezoelectric or photovoltaic materials, respectively. The incorporation of this large family of metal oxides holds great promise for the development of a fully integrated electronic skin in the future.
Application: The electronic skin devices obtained in this project will be potentially applicable in the areas of health and well-being and robotics: prosthetic replacements with the same, if not better, level of sensory perception than human skin, biomedical monitoring systems that facilitate patient comfort, or intelligent robots that, in addition to holding a cup without breaking it, can detect if its surface is too hot.

Scientific production derived from the ComFuturo Project
Scientific articles
- I.Bretos; R.Jiménez; J.Ricote; M.L Calzada (2018). Low-temperature crystallization of solution-derived metal oxide thin films assisted by chemical processes. CHEMICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS. DOI: 10.1039/C6CS00917D
- M. Tomczyk; I. Bretos; R. Jiménez; A. Mahajan; E. Venkata-Ramana; P.M. Vilarinho; M.L Calzada (2017). Direct fabrication of BiFeO3 thin films on polyimide substrates for flexible electronics. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY. DOI: 10.1039/C7TC04571A
- D. Pérez-Mezcua; I. Bretos; R. Jiménez; J. Ricote; R. J. Jiménez-Rioboó; C. GonÇalves Da Silva; D. Chateigner; L. Fuentes-Cobas; R. Sirera; M. L. Calzada (2017). Photochemical solution deposition of beta-Bi2O3 thin films. JOURNAL OF SOL-GEL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. DOI: 10.1007/s10971-016-4295-6
D. Pérez-Mezcua; I. Bretos; R. Jiménez; J. Ricote; R. J. Jiménez-Rioboó; C. Gonçalves da Silva; D.Chateigner; L. Fuentes-Cobas; R. Sirera; M. L. Calzada (2016). Photochemical solution processing of films of metastable phases for flexible devices: the β-Bi2O3 polymorph. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. DOI:10.1038/srep39561
Book chapters
- I. Bretos; R. Jiménez; J. Ricote; M. L. Calzada (2017). Synthesis by low-temperature solution processing of ferroelectric perovskite oxide thin films as candidate materials for photovoltaic applications. THE FUTURE OF SEMICONDUCTOR OXIDES IN NEXT-GENERATION SOLAR CELLS Editors: Monica Lira-Cantu. Series Editors: Ghenadii Korotcenkov. Elsevier
Works presented at conferences
- I. Bretos; R. Jiménez; J. Ricote; M.L. Calzada. Low-temperature crystallization of solution-derived metal oxide thin films assisted by chemical processes. Electroceramics XVI: 16th Internacional Conference on Electroceramics & Their Applications. Invited oral presentation. Hasselt, Belgium. 09/07/2018 – 12/07/2018
- I. Bretos; S. Ramos-Inza; R. Sirera; R. Jiménez; J. Ricote; M.L. Calzada. Photosensitive coordination complexes as a novel route for the low temperature crystallization of metal oxide films: the case of the photomultiferroic BiFeO3 perovskites. Electroceramics XVI: 16th Internacional Conference on Electroceramics & Their Applications. Oral presentation. Hasselt, Belgium. 09/07/2018 – 12/07/2018
- J. Ricote; J. Nevado; I. Bretos; R. Jiménez; M.L. Calzada; K.J.H. van den Nieuwenhuijzen; J. E. ten Elshof. Crystallization of Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 thin films aided by nanosheets seeding: effects on the microstructure and local piezoresponse. Electroceramics XVI: 16th Internacional Conference on Electroceramics & Their Applications. Oral presentation. Hasselt, Belgium. 09/07/2018 – 12/07/2018
- I. Bretos; J. Ricote; R. Jiménez; M.L. Calzada; K.J.H. van den Nieuwenhuijzen; J.E. ten Elshof. Effect of seed layers of inorganic nanosheets on the crystallization of solution derived PbZrxTi1-xO3 ferroelectric thin films. E-MRS 2018 Spring Meeting: European Materials Research Society. Poster. Strasbourg, France. 18/06/2018-22/06/2018
- S. Ramos-Inza; R. Sirera; I. Bretos; R. Jiménez; J. Ricote; R. Jiménez-Rioboó; M.L. Calzada. Solution processing and properties of photoferroic BiFe1-xCrxO3 thin films. E-MRS 2018 Spring Meeting: European Materials Research Society. Poster. Strasbourg, France. 18/06/2018-22/06/2018
- I. Bretos; R. Jiménez; J. Ricote; M.L. Calzada. Low-temperature crystallization of solution-derived metal oxide thin films assisted by photochemical processes. E-MRS 2018 Spring Meeting: European Materials Research Society. Poster. Strasbourg, France. 18/06/2018-22/06/2018
- I. Bretos; R. Jiménez; J. Ricote; M.L. Calzada. Direct growth of functional thin films on plastic by UV-assisted chemical solution deposition. E-MRS 2018 Spring Meeting: European Materials Research Society. Oral presentation. Strasbourg, France. 18/06/2018 – 22/06/2018
- I. Bretos; R. Jiménez; J. Ricote; M.L. Calzada. Low-temperature crystallization of solution derived metal oxide thin films – Towards the integration of high-performance oxides in flexible electronics. IMAPS/ACerS 14th International Conference and Exhibition on Ceramic Interconnect and Ceramic Microsystems Technologies (CICMT 2018). Invited oral presentation. Aveiro, Portugal. 18/04/2018 – 20/04/2018
- P.M. Vilarinho; M. Tomczyk; I. Bretos; R. Jiménez; M.L. Calzada. Low – temperature processed ferroic oxides on the way to fully integrated flexible electronics. 15th International Symposium on Advanced Materials (ISAM-2017). Invited oral presentation. Islamabad, Pakistan. 16/10/2017-20/10/2017
- I. Bretos; R. Jiménez; J. Ricote; R. Sirera; M.L. Calzada. Estrategias de síntesis en disolución para el procesado a baja temperatura de láminas delgadas basadas en la perovskita de BiFeO3 con aplicaciones en electrónica flexible. XIII Reunión Nacional de Electrocerámica. Oral presentation. Cuenca, Spain. 21/06/2017-23/06/2017
- I. Bretos; R. Jiménez; J. Ricote; M.L. Calzada. The potential of UV-light for the photochemical solution deposition of functional crystalline oxide thin films on flexible substrates. Conference of the COST MP1308 Action: Integrating Devices and Materials: Towards Oxide-Based Electronics. Invited oral presentation. Ljubljana, Slovenia. 28/09/2016-30/09/2016
- M. Tomczyk; I. Bretos; R. Jiménez; J. Ricote; M.L. Calzada. Strategies for the low temperature preparation of lead free BiFeO3 ferroic thin films. Conference of the COST IC1208 Action: Integrating Devices and Materials: A Challenge for New Instrumentation in ICT. Oral presentation. Warsaw, Poland. 08/09/2016-09/09/2016
- I. Bretos; R. Jiménez; J. Ricote; M.L. Calzada. Inorganic materials for flexible electronics: perovskite oxides come on the scene. 9th International Symposium on Flexible Organic Electronics (ISFOE16). Oral presentation. Thessaloniki, Greece. 04/07/2016 – 07/07/2016
- I. Bretos; R. Jiménez; J. Ricote; M.L. Calzada. Low-temperature solution methods for perovskite oxides compatible with flexible electronics. 9th International Symposium on Flexible Organic Electronics (ISFOE16). Poster. Thessaloniki, Greece. 04/07/2016 – 07/07/2016
- D. Pérez-Mezcua; I. Bretos; R. Jiménez; J. Ricote; R.J. Jiménez-Rioboó; C. Gonçalves da Silva; D. Chateigner; L. Fuentes; R. Sirera; M.L. Calzada. Catalyst thin films of the metastable β-Bi2O3 phase stabilized at room temperature by a photochemical solution deposition method. Electroceramics XV: 15th Internacional Conference on Electroceramics & Their Applications. Invited oral presentation. Limoges, France. 27/06/2016 – 29/06/2016
- D. Pérez-Mezcua; I. Bretos; R. Jiménez; J. Ricote; R.J. Jiménez-Rioboó; C. Gonçalves da Silva; D. Chateigner; L. Fuentes; R. Sirera; M.L. Calzada. Room temperature photochemical stabilization of catalyst thin films of the metastable β-Bi2O3 phase. E-MRS 2016 Spring Meeting: European Materials Research Society. Oral presentation. Lille, France. 02/05/2016 – 06/05/2016