Priscila Monteiro Kosaka holds a degree in chemistry from the University of Brasília (UnB, Brazil) and a PhD in chemical-physics from the University of São Paulo (USP, Brazil). During her doctoral thesis, she acquired an in-depth knowledge of the chemistry of surfaces. She has been a member of the Bionanomechanics Lab at the Institute of Micro and Nanotechnology of Madrid (CSIC) since 2008, where she supervises activities related to the functionalisation of surfaces. Her main interest is to develop ultra-sensitive diagnostic tools for the early detection of cancer by fusing nanomechanical systems with other promising nanotechnologies, in particular nano-optics. Project evaluator at the European Commission, editorial member of the journal Translational Materials Science, guest editor of a special issue of the journal “Sensors” (Elsevier), and member of the scientific advisory board of the company Mecwins. ComFuturo Researcher (I edition) in the line of research of the programme “New technologies for early cancer detection“. She developed, in the Institute of Micro and Nanotechnology of CSIC, her project “Ultrasensitive nano-sensor for the early detection of breast cancer in blood”.
Project Summary
Tumours secrete proteins known as tumour-specific circulating proteins (TCPs) into the bloodstream that signal disease initiation. The detection of TCPs (concentration during malignant growth ≤ femtomolar) promises to revolutionise cancer treatment, enabling the early detection of the disease. However, there is currently no technology capable of “finding” TCPs at ultra-low concentrations and coexisting with more than 103 different proteins, some of them at concentrations 12 orders of magnitude higher, in the same sample.
This project aims to develop a simple and affordable blood test for the detection of TCP in breast cancer patients. It is intended to:
- i) develop a high-throughput technology for the identification and quantification in a wide dynamic range of biomarkers with a low error rate, and
- ii) apply this technology in clinical trials and formulate a list of potential biomarkers for the early detection of breast cancer in blood.
Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer and the leading cause of cancer death among women in industrialised countries. Thus, given the considerable public health importance of breast cancer, it is crucial to be able to rapidly identify TCPs with the potential to improve the early diagnosis, which could save one million lives worldwide each year.
The aim is to develop an ultrasensitive and specific sensor for the detection of proteins related to the onset of breast cancer tumour development with a simple blood test. This technology for rapid and early detection of cancer does not yet exist and will undoubtedly have a high impact on patient survival. Subsequently, it will be extrapolated to other types of tumours.
Scientific production derived from the ComFuturo Project
Scientific articles
- P. M. Kosaka, M. Calleja & J. Tamayo (2017). Optomechanical devices for deep plasma proteomics. SEMINARS IN CANCER BIOLOGY. DOI: 10.1016/j.semcancer.2017.08.011
- P.M. Kosaka; V. Pini, M. Calleja; J. Tamayo (2017). Ultrasensitive detection of HIV-1 p24 antigen by a hybrid nanomechanical-optoplasmonic platform with potential for detecting HIV-1 at first week after infection. PLOS ONE. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0171899
- V. Pini, P.M. Kosaka, J.J. Ruz, O. Malvar, M. Encinar, J. Tamayo; M. Calleja (2016). Spatially Multiplexed Micro-Spectrophotometry in Bright Field Mode for Thin Film Characterization. SENSORS. DOI:10.3390/s16060926
Book Chapters
- P.M. Kosaka, J. Tamayo; M. Calleja (2016). Chapter 14 – Advances and Challenges to Bring Nanomechanical Biosensors to Biochemistry Labs and Clinical Use (2016). NANOCANTILEVER BEAMS: MODELING, FABRICATION AND APPLICACIONS. DOI: 10.1201/b19340-18
Works presented at conferences
- S. García, J. Tamayo, M. Calleja & P. M. Kosaka. Detection of breast cancer biomarkers with a hybrid nanomechanical and optoplasmonic sensor for personalized medicine. 15th International Workshop on Nanomechanical Sensing (NMC2018). Oral presentation. Incheon, South Korea. 26/06/2018-29/06/2018
- J. Tamayo, M. Calleja & P. M. Kosaka. Hybrid nanomechanical-optoplasmonic sensor for HIV-1 detection at first week after infection. BIOSENSORS 2018. Oral presentation. Miami, USA. 12/06/2018-15/06/2018
- P.M. Kosaka, S. García, M. Calleja & J. Tamayo. Hybrid optoplasmonic and nanomechanical sensor for proteomics. IMAGINENANO 2018. Invited oral presentation. Bilbao, Spain. 13/03/2018-15/03/2018
- P.M. Kosaka. Ultrasensitive detection of biomarkers in blood by a hybrid nanomechanical- optoplasmonic sensor. 14th International Workshop on Nanomechanical Sensing (NMC2017). Invited oral presentation. Kona-Kailua, Hawaii- 04/04/2017-07/04/2017
- P.M. Kosaka. Ultrasensitive detection of biomarkers in blood using a hybrid nanomechanical and optoplasmonic sensor. Frontiers of Nanomechanical Systems (FNS 2017). Poster. La Thuile, Italy. 5-02/2017-10/02/2017
- J. Escobar, P.M. Kosaka, M.Calleja; J. Tamayo. Instrumentation and data treatment for a nanomechanical and nanooptical sensor for cancer detection. XXII International Summer School “Nicolas Cabrera”. Poster. Miraflores de la Sierra, Spain. 10/07/2016 – 15/07/2016
- S. Garcia, P.M. Kosaka, M. Calleja; J. Tamayo. Ultrasensitive detection of prostate specific antigen (PSA) by a hybrid mechanical and optoplasmonic nanosensor. XXII International Summer School “Nicolas Cabrera”. Poster. Miraflores de la Sierra, Spain. 10/07/2016 – 15/07/2016
- P.M. Kosaka. Rapid and sensitive detection of HIV using a hybrid mechanical and optoplasmonic sensor. 13th International Workshop on Nanomechanical Sensing (NMC2016). Oral presentation. Delft, The Netherlands. 22/06/2016 – 24/06/2016.
- P.M Kosaka. Detection of cancer biomarkers in serum by merging nanomechanics and optoplasmonics. Nano TradeShow – The International Nanotechnology and Innovation Exhibition. Invited oral presentation. Sao Paulo, Brazil. 13/10/2015 – 15/10/2015
- P.M Kosaka, V. Pini, J.J Ruz, R.A da Silva, M.U González, D. Ramos, M., J. Tamayo. Detection of cancer biomarkers in serum by an optomechanoplasmonic sensor. NANOBIOAPP2015 – Latest Advances on Nanomaterials for Biomedical Applications. Oral presentation. Barcelona, Spain. 21/09/2015 – 23/09/2015
- P. M. Kosaka. Highly sensitive and selective protein detection. Tigenix Biopharmaceutical. Invited Seminar Tres Cantos, Spain. 9/02/2018
- P. M. Kosaka. Ultrasensitive detection of biomarkers in blood using a hybrid nanomechanical and optoplasmonic sensor. Sesiones Docentes CIOCC – Nanosensores. HM Sanchinarro, Reina Sofia Auditorium. Madrid, Spain. 17/05/2017
- P.M. Kosaka. Ultrasensitive detection of biomarkers in blood using an optomechanoplasmonic nanosensor. Semana da Química 2017. Instituto Federal de Brasilia, Campus Gama. Brasilia, Brazil. 22/06/2017P. M. Kosaka. Ultrasensitive detection of biomarkers in blood using an optomechanoplasmonic nanosensor. Seminarios para estudiantes de pos-grado. Universidade de Brasília. Brasilia, Brazil. 23/06/2017