a public-private collaboration
committted to science and the future
Fundación General CSIC (FGCSIC) is a private non-profit organisation created by a joint initiative of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and its founding patrons. With broad experience in promoting public-private collaboration programmes in research and innovation, in 2014 FGCSIC launched the ComFuturo programme, an alliance with the CSIC and leading private entities to attract the best young research and entrepreneurial talent.
After four successful previous calls for young researchers at the Spanish national level, now FGCSIC wants to expand ComFuturo, attracting international talent, through a comprehensive programme that includes quality training and industrial and international research secondments.
This 60-month programme will offer 15 ComFuturo 36-month fellowships to Experienced Researchers of any nationality who have obtained their PhD in the last 10 years. The ComFuturo fellows will be selected through a single call and an objective and transparent process which will include an external evaluation. The Spanish National Research Council will recruit, hire and host them.
ComFuturo research areas will include those aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals that contribute, from any scientific-technical discipline, to fulfilling the 2030 Agenda; and topics proposed by the Partner Organitations, in consensus with FGCSIC, that help respond to strategic challenges of the productive sector.
ComFuturo aims to contribute to obtain a generation of researchers who are leaders in their fields of specialization, but at the same time, versatile and multifaceted, for an improvement in their employability prospects and a successful development of their professional careers, whether in the public or private sector.
Via the promotion of highly innovative projects and science of excellence, ComFuturo also aspires to generate an impact on the sustainability of the productive fabric, the environment and society.
a MSCA-COFUND programme
The ComFuturo Programme is supported by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) COFUND of the European Commission. The MSCA are the European Union’s flagship funding programme for doctoral education and postdoctoral training of researchers. They fund excellent research and innovation and equip researchers with new knowledge and skills, through mobility across borders and exposure to different sectors and disciplines.
The MSCA promote excellence and set standards for high-quality researcher education and training in line with the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the recruitment of researchers.
research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement Nº 101034263
How to apply
to ComFuturo positions
The open call, due on spring 2022, for 15 ComFuturo 36-month fellowships will be published on the EURAXESS website and announced on, and social media.
Eligible researchers must comply with the MSCA mobility rule: they may not have resided or carried out their main activity in Spain for more than 12 months in the three years immediately before the call deadline (except duly justified cases which will be detailed in the Call guidelines).
In addition, researchers must be in possession of a doctoral degree (having obtained their PhD in the last 10 years maximum, again except duly justified cases).
Candidates will have to present a CV and a project proposal using a specific template that will be provided.
Regarding the ComFuturo recruitment process, it will be fully described in the Call guidelines. It will include an external evaluation and will be objective, transparent and will ensure equal opportunities.
ComFuturo project proposals must:
- Be original and aim to resolve current problems and challenges through innovative techniques and methodologies
- Have an innovative approach and a high potential of transferring the expected results to the productive fabric
- Be carried out in a CSIC research institute. Candidates must include the proposed institute as part of their candidature, arguing why it is adequate. Then, before the start date of the research projects, CSIC’s approval, signed by the director of the specific research institute, will be required.
- Have a duration of three years (36 months)
- Comply with the eligible research areas (these will be incorporated in the Call guidelines)
- Comply with the corresponding Ethical Aspects. Selected candidates shall present, before the start date of the ComFuturo projects, the corresponding favourable report from CSIC’s Ethics Committee
the host institution
The Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) is the largest public research institution in Spain and one of the most renowned institutions in the European Research Area (ERA). It is affiliated to the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through the Secretary General for Research.
Its mission is to promote, coordinate, develop and disseminate scientific and technological multidisciplinary research, in order to contribute to the progress of knowledge and economic, social and cultural development; as well as to train researchers and provide advice to public and private entities in these fields.
CSIC mainly develops its scientific and technical activity through its more than 120 research institutes, which are distributed throughout the national territory. Research in CSIC extends in three Global Areas: Society (S), Life (V) and Materia (M), and four connection axes between them (SV, SM, VM, SVM), which allow to address interdisciplinary research, initiatives of excellence and knowledge transfer, and tackle frontier issues in virtually all areas of knowledge.
CSIC has been awarded by the European Commission with the HR Excellence in Research seal, a distinction that officially recognizes and accredits the body’s commitment and effort to improve all processes related to recruitment, working conditions, training, management and responsibility of the CSIC research staff, in accordance with what is established in the European Charter and Code of Conduct for Researchers.

and Career Guidance
ComFuturo fellows will be able to carry out secondments (of a duration of 2-6 months) in the facilities of ComFuturo’s Partner Organisations or other possible companies or entities. These secondments will be an important part of the ComFuturo fellowships within the programme development and will allow ComFuturo fellows to gain new skills for their research, wider career and personal development, and the chance to apply their skills in a different environment.
Training in a broad range of competences will also be provided to the ComFuturo researchers. This will comprise permanent training on research skills offered by CSIC and Partner Organisations, as well as multiple activities, seminars, short courses, etc. in transferrable skills, which will be coordinated by FGCSIC, and that will include topics such as communication and dissemination of research results, knowledge and technology transfer or ethics in science. The training programme will aim to broaden the fellows´ research background and to help them develop their individual skills in order to prepare them to become first level researchers and to promote their employability, enabling them to compete for jobs, inside or outside academia, at the end of their projects or as they continue their research career.
In addition, fellows will be encouraged to develop, together with a series of supervisors that will be allocated, a Personalised Career Development Plan (PCDP), which, following Europe’s recommendations, will include research and innovation objectives and other researchers´ training and career needs, establishing short and long term objectives for their career development.
A bit of history…
origins of ComFuturo
FGCSIC created ComFuturo in 2014, a moment when the activity of the Spanish public science, technology and innovation system had serious financing problems, as a consequence of the economic recession scenario. The situation mainly affected the youngest researchers, with abandonment of their scientific career or expatriation in order to develop their skills. Many programs for the incorporation of young scientists were cancelled.
In that context, FGCSIC created ComFuturo, a public-private alliance with the Spanish National Research Council and leading private entities to respond to the unemployment of highly qualified young scientists, capturing the best young research talent and enabling them to apply their valuable skills to solving problems of industrial and social interest.
In 2018, FGCSIC launched the second edition of the programme. The dramatic loss of researchers as a result of the crisis had recovered partially, but there still was, and there still is, a strong need for programmes that attract young scientific talent, the key of our future.
Download document “ComFuture: origin, evolution and impact. I and II edition”